Home » A Level Music Composition

A Level Music Composition


WCT Composing Hub

(links to WCT composing resources)

Composing help and reference

(dissonance, harmony, voice-leading, instrument ranges etc.)

Texture and sonority

Year 12 Style Composition Projects

(PDF of series of introductory projects for WCT style composition)

(examples of textures that you can use for inspiration in your own composition – Western Classical Tradition and beyond. Skip to: Simple Quartet textures for Starting Points)

Writing a melody 

(a method for getting started on writing a Classical melody in the style of Haydn/Mozart)


WCT Fingerprints

(common harmonic and textural features found in the music of the Western Classical tradition)


Twentieth century composition

(some help with composing in the style of selected twentieth century composers)

Harmony and Tonality (PDFs – most of these now have more up-to-date versions here)

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: if you find these pages useful, please share them with others but I would appreciate their source being acknowledged and users referred back to this site. Thanks, Tom Pankhurst.