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Monthly Archives: September 2014

AS (G) Homework w/c 29th September


  1. Complete the Instrumental Summary Sheet (Tuesday 7th)
  2. Write a short essay based on the points discussed in class and recorded on your A3 sheets (Friday 10th):
  • “Compare the Poulenc and the Bach in terms of their texture”. It should consist only of five short paragraphs addressing each of the areas covered by the comparison questions. Do not write, however, as if you were answering the questions directly.
  • A copy of the score is on the AS Moodle along with notes should you wish to have some context.


No homework this week.

AS (F) Homework w/c 29th September

Instrumental (for Tuesday 7th)

  1. Complete the Instrumental Summary Sheet
  2. Write a short essay based on the points discussed in class and recorded on your A3 sheets:
  • “Compare the Poulenc and the Bach in terms of their texture”. It should consist only of five short paragraphs addressing each of the areas covered by the comparison questions. Do not write, however, as if you were answering the questions directly.
  • A copy of the score is on the AS Moodle along with notes should you wish to have some context.


No homework this week.

Composition (for end of Wednesday 8th)

Complete your piece ‘On D’ according to the brief on Moodle and using the resources discussed in class.

A2 (D) Homework set w/c 29th September


1. Using the sheets produced in class, update your anthology with texture features found in the Beethoven. The sheets have been sent to you in an email and are also on Moodle.

2. Update your anthology with harmony features using the answer sheet which has been emailed to you.

  • Finish the worksheet we started in class.
  • Compile a fact sheet about the more unusual instruments in the Goldsmith


Finish the exercises for Fingerprint 2


Intro and Allegro – come up with an allegro thematic idea

Theme park – find some examples of fast/thrill music that you can share with the class

A2 (A) Homework set w/c 29th September


1. Using the sheets produced in class, update your anthology with texture features found in the Beethoven. The sheets have been sent to you in an email and are also on Moodle.

2. Update your anthology with harmony features using the answer sheet which has been emailed to you.


  • Finish the worksheet we started in class.
  • Compile a fact sheet about the more unusual instruments in the Goldsmith


Complete the exercises for Fingerprint 2 in the Fingerprint Workbooks.


Not yet set – see last week

AS (G) Homework w/c 23rd September


Using the Short History of Music information in your handbooks, make a timeline or similar graphic to help you get to grips with the main style periods in music (Late Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Twentieth Century)

Starting Points (due by 5pm on Wednesday 1st October)

You need to make corrections according to feedback and then write the first eight bars of your string quartet according to the instructions on Exercise 16. The first four bars should be as bars 13-16, bar five should be as bar 13 and the final three bars should adapt the final cadence to fit the pivot chord modulation from D to G major.


Make sure you know the chord sequence and basic features of the Van Morrison.

AS (F) Homework w/c 23rd September


Using the Short History of Music information in your handbooks, make a timeline or similar graphic to help you get to grips with the main style periods in music (Late Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Twentieth Century)

Starting Points (due by 5pm on Wednesday 1st October)

You need to make corrections according to feedback and then write the first eight bars of your string quartet according to the instructions on Exercise 16. The first four bars should be as bars 13-16, bar five should be as bar 13 and the final three bars should adapt the final cadence to fit the pivot chord modulation from D to G major.


Make sure you know the chord sequence and basic features of the Van Morrison.

A2 (D) Homework set w/c 23rd September


Not yet set – see last week


Read the Cooke article (03) in the Goldsmith folder on Moodle (http://moodle1.kedst.ac.uk/mod/folder/view.php?id=36848)


Complete the exercises for Fingerprint 1 in the Fingerprint Workbooks.


Complete either your Pedal or your Postcard composition by the end of Tuesday.

A2 (A) Homework set w/c 23rd September


Not yet set – see last week


Read the Cooke article (03) in the Goldsmith folder on Moodle (http://moodle1.kedst.ac.uk/mod/folder/view.php?id=36848)


Complete the exercises for Fingerprint 1 in the Fingerprint Workbooks.


Following the guidelines on the task sheet, compose a short ‘postcard’ piece of around 20 seconds which represents a picture e.g. Melting candle, walking on drawing pins, Catherine wheel

Availability of Music Rooms for using Sibelius

The Music Room (upstairs) is available for private study at the following times:

Monday               10.00-12.45

Tuesday              14.10-15.05

Wednesday        08.45-10.00

Friday                  08.45-10.00; 14.10-15.05

In addition you are welcome to work quietly on compositions at the side of the room but not at the following times:

Wednesday        10.00-11.15

Thursday             10.00-12.45

Friday                  10.00-11.15

The Study room is available for private study except for at the following times.

Wednesday        10.00-11.15

Thursday             10.00-12.45

Friday                  10.00-11.15

Music Enrichment Update

  • Choir (Tuesday 10.00), Chamber Choir (Friday 14.10), Wind Band (Monday 15.05) and Orchestra (Wednesday 08:45) are now up and running
  • There is a meeting NEXT Monday at 12:50 for all those interested in smaller Classical chamber groups (please email me if you cannot come)
  • Iain will be emailing about Year 12 Band auditions later this week
  • Folk Group and other student-led enrichment groups are finishing auditions this week and will soon be up and running

Any question email tom.pankhurst@kedst.ac.uk or come and see Tom up in the music office